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War on Earth | Part 2 - War in Heaven and Earth | Sermon

War on Earth | Part 2 - War in Heaven and Earth | Sermon

Following diagnosis of a severe illness, even a man of strong faith may have concerns and questions. Watch Derek Prince's resilient sermon, 'War on Earth,' as he shares how his firm belief in the Lord and prayer offered him unwavering strength during a difficult period. Explore the nuances of spiritual warfare on earth, framed from a deeply personal perspective in part 2 of the ‘War in Heaven and Earth’ series. Part 2 - War in Heaven and Earth Related Teachings: 🎬 Sermon Playlist: Like and subscribe to equip your faith and transform your world. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: 00:00 - How Derek Himself Was Delivered from a Demon 03:37 - Christians Can Have Demons 09:56 - Supernatural Signs Should Accompany Our Evangelism 24:04 - Demons Are Real Persons with Bodies 39:35 - Don't Fool Around with the Occult 45:51 - Parents Are Responsible to Maintain a Healthy Spiritual Atmosphere 49:37 - How Demons Can Enter a Person 55:32 - Characteristics of Demons 01:02:33 - Don't Defile Your Temple! 01:10:14 - Meet These Requirements to Get Delivered 01:19:03 - How One Act of Obedience Doubled Derek's Income ---------------------------------------------------------------- Website: Free eBook: Support us: #DerekPrince,#Sermon,#ArmorOfGod,#BiblePreaching,#BibleStudy,#BibleTeaching,#ChristianFaith,#Christianity,#ChristianityToday,#ChristianTeaching,#ChristIsKing,#GodsProtection,#GodsWill,#SpiritualWarfare,#DeliveranceMinistry MV-4431-100-ENG
The Nations | Part 1 - I Will Shake All Things | Sermon

The Nations | Part 1 - I Will Shake All Things | Sermon

Feel unseen and unheard in the bustling world? Dive into 'The Nations' by Derek Prince, a sermon that illuminates God's words and teachings, unraveling His divine plan for all of Earth's inhabitants. Allow the power of the Gospel to fill your heart and reshape your perspective of belonging in the world in part 1 of the ‘I Will Shake All Things’ series. Part 1 - I Will Shake All Things Related Teachings: 🎬 Sermon Playlist: Like and subscribe to equip your faith and transform your world. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: 00:00 - I Will Shake All Things 04:30 - Do You Believe in the Judgment of God? 08:01 - The Savior Is Also the Judge 11:26 - Wickedness Equated to Laziness 15:09 - Nothing That Can Be Shaken Will Remain Unshaken 20:58 - The Cause for the Breakup of Families 25:20 - God Will Shake Banks, Businesses and Governments 31:27 - The Disasters That Are About to Come Over the Earth 34:35 - God's 3 Charges Against Humanity 48:36 - The Thing That God Hates Most 01:04:38 - The Three 'Loves' That Are the Root of All Problems 01:10:20 - Don't Help People Who Are Not Willing to Change ---------------------------------------------------------------- Website: Free eBook: Support us: #DerekPrince, #Sermon, #BiblePreaching, #BibleProphecy, #BibleStudy, #BibleTeaching, #BibleVerses, #BiblicalProphecy, #BiblicalTruth, #BiblicalWisdom, #ChristianDiscipleship, #ChristianFaith, #Christianity, #ChristianTeaching, #EndTimes MV-4344-100-ENG
Laying The Foundation, Part 5, Immersion in Water - Derek Prince

Laying The Foundation, Part 5, Immersion in Water - Derek Prince

Derek Prince Sermons: Immersion in Water - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this essential foundational building process. Bible Teaching Resources: Subscribe to our channel 👉 ============================= Table of Contents: ============================= I. Doctrine Of Baptisms A. Hebrews 6:2 B. Three different baptisms in the New Testament 1. John’s baptism 2. Christian baptism 3. Holy Spirit baptism C. To baptize: 1. Immerse: Fully cover with water a. Put something down into water b. Pour water over from above 2. Baptize “in” or “into” a. “In” refers to element in which you are baptized b. “Into” refers to result that is produced II. John’s Baptism A. Mark 1:2–5 1. To prepare Israel for the Messiah a. Messiah could not come until they were prepared b. Messiah will not come again until we are prepared 2. Dispensational link from law to grace B. Three main requirements: 1. Repentance a. A decision b. An action 2. Public confession of sins 3. Evidence of a changed life (Matt. 3:7–8) C. Limitations: 1. Did not produce new birth (Matt. 11:11) 2. After Pentecost, not a substitute for Christian baptism (Acts 19:1–5) III. Christian Baptism A. Pattern of how to fulfill all righteousness: Jesus (Matt. 3:13–17) 1. Baptism has the approval of all 3 members of the Godhead 2. Acquitted, reckoned righteous and made righteous: justified (Rom. 5:1) B. A commitment to life and death 1. Pattern of Jesus (Luke 12:50) 2. Your life does not belong to you after baptism C. Requirements for Christian baptism 1. Hear the gospel (Matt. 28:19–20) a. Jesus died b. Jesus was buried c. Jesus rose again 2. Repentance (Acts 2:38) 3. Faith/belief (Mark 16:15–16) 4. A good conscience toward God (1 Peter 3:21) D. Teaching for baptism does not take long 1. Pentecost: 3,000 baptized that day (Acts 2:41) 2. Ethiopian eunuch: A few hours (Acts 8:36)—the “preaching of Jesus” included baptism 3. The household of Cornelius: The same day (Acts 10:48) 4. The Philippian jailer: before dawn came (Acts 16:33) E. Spiritual significance 1. Identification with Jesus in: (Rom. 6:3–11) a. His death b. His burial c. His resurrection 2. When we are baptized we die, we are buried and we are resurrected 3. Dead to sin, but alive to Christ (Col. 2:11–12) F. Related facts 1. Baptized into Christ, not a church or a denomination (Gal. 3:27) 2. Effective only through faith (Col. 2:12) 3. New life empowered by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 1:4) 4. No one in New Testament was saved without being baptized (Mark 16:16) G. Old Testament picture of baptism: Noah’s Ark (1 Peter 3:20–21) 1. Ark = Jesus Christ 2. Flood = Baptism in water 3. Out of the flood = New life ============================= GET INVOLVED: ============================= SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries? GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages ============================= PURCHASE ONLINE ============================= ============================= INTERNATIONAL OUTREACHES ============================= CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times RUSSIA Outreach MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach DIGITAL OUTREACH Videos in this Series: 1. Founded on the Rock 2. Authority and Power of God's Word 3. Through Repentance to Faith 4. Faith and Works 5. Immersion in Water 6. Immersion in the Spirit 7. Transmitting God's Power 8. At the End of Time 9. Resurrection of the Body 10. Final Judgment ----------------------------- MV-4164-100-ENG
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Hope 4U Global will teach the uncompromised Word of God and be a Ministry that operates in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit in a Biblical fashion. 

We want to see every captive set free to live a life by design (Jer 29:11) not a life by default (John 10:10) “The enemy wants to kill, steal and destroy I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly”. 

We will build healing, deliverance and equipping centers, where people are healed in spirit, soul and body.

We will produce training conferences worldwide on the spiritual and emotional roots of disease and bondages. 

We will use social media to expand territory and raise up overcomers, with free teaching materials online.  

We want to see believers trained and released in their gifting, to further the kingdom of God and raise up a portion of God’s end time army as yielded vessels of gold.

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