Healing, Deliverance

The Scriptures Say:..REPENT & BE BAPTISED...
First by Water, (As an Adult)...Then by Fire (The Baptism of Recieving The Holy Spirit with the Evidence of Speaking in Tongues!) These Two Baptisms are NOT OPTIONAL for the Believer. Click below to find out more & how to Recieve!
Most of us need to Repent & Renounce for any of our Generations or ourselves, for participating with Freemasonry. It can also transfer by intimacy. Unless Repented of, it can bring a Curse which can severely hinder your life in Christ. To do the prayer, click the Freemason Renounce button below...
Fall Cabal

Mark 16:17-18 (KJV)
17 And these signs shall follow them
that believe; In my name shall they
cast out devils;
they shall speak with new tongues;
Here are the words of the LORD, spoken to us in Jan. 2015 by Juanita Folsom of: Juanita Folsom Ministries 148 East Interlake Boulevard, Lake Placid Florida. She is a respected proven Prophet God's about to move in a brand new way. He's going to use His people, they're going forth, with this new move. And, the two of you, will move into this. The two of you are going to have some type of a vision, you may have already had it, but you are going to run with the vision. As you get this vision, and what God is about to do, you are going to take and you're going to run with it...and I just see you, (Gail,) with a flame in your hand and you are running, with everything within you, and as you run daughter, you lighten up the way, You are causing the way to be lit. So God is moving now...I just see something that the two of you are going to do, when you get home. The two of you are going to do something that is going to astound those around and about you. Because you are coming in with this new vision. You're coming in, and it seems like people will be drawn to you, like a moth, to the flame. But it is the Flame Of God. It is the Fire Of God! Now about 15 years ago, something happened in your life, that really was a real slap in your face. But the Lord said, you took it, and you turned the other cheek. But from now on, you will not turn the other cheek, when people slap you. But you will look them into the eyes, and they will know that there are things which God is doing, and God is demanding, change through the people that you look in the eyes. So God said, I am moving now, I am opening up, a new door. There's been a door that you lost the key to, but you are going to find the key, and you're going to unlock that door. And when you unlock that door, there's going to be things of the past that are going to be delt with and healed. And there's going to be new things behind the door that is going to be such a testimony. I see you going to meetings, and giving your testimony. I see you going, and being asked to come and minister. So I see now God moving, in a very unusual way. I also see the two of you, like Joshua and Caleb. There were twelve spies that went into the land, the land of Promise, but only two came back with good reports. I see the two of you, Joshua and Caleb, and you are carrying those big grapes...those big grapes between the two of you, like it shows in pictures. And you will be amazed at how God's going to use you, to fullfil promises, many promises...it's going to be like, the promised land, the promised land. Yes there were Giants there, but The Lord said, like David, you will be a Giant killer! So I Am infilling you now, with a new and a fresh anointing, a new and a freshness of My Spirit. And from this day forward, I will use the two of you, and you will see, many mighty breakthroughs! Goodness is coming forth! God is sending two angels with the two of you, and their names are Goodness & Mercy. And God says; Goodness & Mercy shall follow you all the days of your life. So God says, just know now, stir up your gifts, stir up your gifts, I am going to use you mightily, said The Lord. Prophecy as given to Gail Dowd, of Hope4UGlobal, by Juanita Folsom, of Juanita Folsom Ministries April 2017. ...People say that we will love everybody, I don’t…sorry, I just don’t…some of their ole spirits, I can’t stand; I love em enough to keep em outta hell; but to love those spirits?…we even smell, spirits that are not right. And in the days ahead, your sense of smell, is going to become much stronger. You’ll be able to smell cancer. You’ll be able to pray, about people with cancer. And I see God using you, and I see God moving for you, and God’s going to bring somebody…that’s going to give you a financial blessing, I just see a financial blessing coming…and I see God opening up ministry, ministry, it takes money for ministry, and I see God moving in your finances. I see God doing a work, in your finances. God will stretch your stomach, He’s doing a work in your stomach. Sort of an acid that flows into the stomach…it irritates the lining…of your stomach…so God’s just doing a miracle right now, in your stomach. He’s doing new things, with the hurt, in a church; and you had really helped somebody, had done a lot of good things there…but something took place…and you got hurt…in that church…God is touching you right now, God is doing a miracle …a miracle right now…bridging you…moving, moving, moving mightily. I just see…a big old demon…a big old demon…He’s big in Canada…he’s big…He’s big in Canada…and God’s going to show you more, about this demon…that stronghold, over that area of Canada. And as God shows you this big demon, and stronghold, He’s going to give you power, and you’re going to see a big change, as you take, and you move, and God said, He’ll give you power, over this, stronghold. So right now in Jesus name, God is giving you a miracle. Even in your own body. Your own body, something you’re concerned about, that you’ve told nobody about…you don’t need to...it’s going to be taken care of. So right now…(tongues)… I see you giving a prophetic word to someone…a prophetic word! And that prophetic word, is going to turn…… So right now, I see the spirit of the prophet…you’ve prophesied before, but this is THE spirit of the prophet, of the prophet. Coming now…coming now…and you shall speak, and your words will be so big…big, to each one, that you prophesy to. So right now, I see God moving…a hurt you had about two weeks ago, something you hadn’t gotten over yet, God is moving that now, God is touching that area, and He is doing a miracle, a miracle in that, and you’re going to be healed of it now. You’re being healed. God is doing a miracle, and you’re being healed in Jesus name, Amen. Prophecy as given to Greg Dowd, of Hope4UGlobal by Juanita Folsom, of Juanita Folsom Ministries April, 2017. The Lord says, be My hands and My feet…My hands, and My feet. There’s a path, that I am cutting, special for you and your wife, I just see a path, being cut…the LORD says you know how? When the Red Sea…there was a path made, there was a parting of the water!, of the water! But you know it wasn’t only…yes, eventually My people got free…but I was about to drown their enemies. I was about to take care of their enemies. And the LORD said that’s whats taking place with you! I am making a pathway for you, but the demonic forces that has tried to come in, and even through people, the LORD says, I will take care of the enemy, even the enemy that would love to come against you financially, and physically, and hinder your calling. And The LORD God said, I’m anointing you, to be that preacher man, the preacher man, be My Voice, crying in the wilderness. We can be most effective, in people’s wildernesses, where they’re hurting…where they’re in great pain…that is the opportunity…then, we can, speak, into their lives. So a new anointing, is coming down upon you, a brand new anointing, its a heavenly-a-calling…it’s a heavenly anointing, so God is touching you…God says, the anointing is to heal the sick, even the sick; emotionally. There are so many people sick, in their emotions, (great grief and sadness, being expressed…,) they’re hurting…why do you think there are so many drugs…even prescription drugs, said the LORD…its people’s emotional pain. And I am giving you this anointing, to restore, to help…emotionally…emotionally… For God says, receive...receive all that I have for you tonight. Take it back with you. You came, to receive tonight…take it back! God said, take it back…take it to those that are hurting, that are in pain…and they need to hear from God. And they can hear, that God loves them; that God, loves them. I see you laying hands on people with heart problems, especially, A-fib (Atrial fibrillation), I see anointing to lay hands on people with A-fib, and I see them, being healed. I see miracles taking place with people with A-fib, with heart arrhythmia, and A-fib. So right now God says, you have come now…and you’re a reservoir, and I am filling your reservoir tonight…that is why, you came. I called you forth to fill your reservoir, and you will take, this reservoir full…full of Me, full of what I am doing…full of POWER & MIGHT!!! So know now, that’s why you came…you may have wanted, to show your friends, Miss Juanita, but really, it was for your reservoir…your…reservoir. So right now, I see the Glory coming down upon you, I see the Glory, I see a light, coming from heaven, and I see, the Glory. So God is touching you, He is doing mighty miracles… He’s filling your reservoir. And you shall go forth, you shall go forth, I’m sending you and your wife forth, full of Me, full of Me, full of Me, said the LORD.

Hope 4U Global will teach the uncompromised Word of God and be a Ministry that operates in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit in a Biblical fashion.
We want to see every captive set free to live a life by design (Jer 29:11) not a life by default (John 10:10) “The enemy wants to kill, steal and destroy I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly”.
We will build healing, deliverance and equipping centers, where people are healed in spirit, soul and body.
We will produce training conferences worldwide on the spiritual and emotional roots of disease and bondages.
We will use social media to expand territory and raise up overcomers, with free teaching materials online.
We want to see believers trained and released in their gifting, to further the kingdom of God and raise up a portion of God’s end time army as yielded vessels of gold.